Monday, September 30, 2019


Mood disorders are those disorders that have a disturbance in mood as their predominant feature. This group includes several nosoforms such as affective disorders, psychotic bipolar disorder and depressive disorders. The last are presented by the involutional and postpartum depression, dysthymic disorder and seasonal affective disorder. All listed conditions are very frequent – about 14.3% of the population is stroked by the mood disorders. The aim of this review is comparing the different treatments for the mood disorders by example of postpartum mood disorders. Databases searched for this review included PsycINFO only.There are several risk factors of postpartum mood disturbances. After delivery the level of steroid hormones (estrogens, gestagens and cortisol) changes dramatically. Some women are very sensitive to these hormonal changes and can react with changes of the mood. Psychosocial risk factors include low income and inadequate social supports, recent negative life ev ents, marital conflict or dissatisfaction. Heredity and individual susceptibility are risk factors for postpartum depression. Thus women with individual or family history of a mood disorder have higher risk of postpartum depression. A prior history of postpartum mood disorder increases the risk of recurrence of the depression in two folds.Postpartum changes of the mood are not rare complications of accouchement. There are different symptoms of mood disturbance – from transitory and mild signs of postpartum blues and up to the severe postpartum depression and puerperal psychosis. Nonacs R. and Cohen LS. (1998) write that mood changes during the puerperium are often overlooked. This fact arouses the risk of the episodes of recurrent depression in mothers. Another important issue of the problem is a risk of the remote consequences of mother’s mood disturbance on the future mental and physical development of child. To prevent those long-term effects the early diagnostics a nd effective treatment interventions should be applied.Some forms of the postpartum mood disorder do not require any specific treatment, e.g. the most common (30-75% of new mothers) form of the mood disturbances, so called â€Å"baby blues† require only education, reassurance and support. More serious conditions, like postpartum depression, need more active interventions. This condition occurs in 15-20 % of all women recently confined. It is characterized by anxiety, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, low interest to the baby and other symptoms of major depression.Seyfried LS and Marcus SM. (2003) indicate that pharmacological treatment for patients with postpartum depression can be limited because some psychoactive drugs are contraindicated in lactation and psychotherapeutic approaches became the method of the choice. On other hand, rare cases of postpartum psychosis require psychiatric emergency care and urgent drug treatment. Thus the differentiation of treatment mode is imp ortant element of the care in the postnatal changes of the mood.Series of works by Dennis CL. et all. (2004) are dedicated to the problem of treatment of postpartum depression. Authors consider that the most effective schemes of psychotherapy include interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, peer and partner support, nondirective counseling, relaxation/massage therapy, infant sleep interventions, infant-mother relationship therapy, and maternal exercise.Unfortunately the available clinical trials studied these methods and their effectiveness, were designed poorly and have low level of evidence. Thus definite conclusions about the relative effectiveness of the different treatments cannot be reached. Authors recommend to increase the number of randomized controlled trials needed for comparing different treatment schemes, examining the effectiveness of individual treatment components and selecting the optimum treatments for women with different anamnesis and status pra esens objectivus.Other group of interventions using in the psychiatry for treatment of postpartum depression includes antidepressant medication, estrogen therapy, critically timed sleep deprivation, and bright light therapy. Some of these interventions can be applied to other types of depressions unrelated to puerperium but the issues of pharmacological safety can limit them.As an example of mentioned above we can use the results of the study by Reck C. et all. (2004). They found, that mother-infant interaction plays a central role in the treatment of postpartum depression. They explain this fact with high sensitivity of infants to their mothers' emotional state. The authors consider that postpartum depression is a risk factor for disturbances of children's development. They proposed the integrated model of treatment which is based on   mother-infant-centered interventions.Similar propositions contains the research paper of Hofecker-Fallahpour M. et all. (2003). This group of Swis s investigators proposed the program of group therapy for depressive mothers, including those who has postpartum depression. The main therapeutic method in this program is behavioral therapy.Clark R, Tluczek A. and Wenzel A. from the University of Wisconsin Medical School published work (2004) about the priorities of psychotherapy in the patients with postpartum depression. They think that group psychotherapy and interpersonal psychotherapy should be superior to other methods of non-pharmacological treatment.The main objectives of the proposed treatment is â€Å"reducing maternal depressive symptoms, improving mothers' perceptions of their infants' adaptability and reinforcement value, and increasing mothers' positive affect and verbalization with their infants†. Authors urge that early intervention for mothers with postpartum depression is crucial point of successful treatment.Different point of view was demonstrated by Cooper PJ, Murray L, Wilson A. and Romaniuk H. (2003). They think that psychological interventions for postnatal depression can be beneficial in the short term but this benefit is not superior to spontaneous remission in the long term. In their research Cooper PJ. et all. used routine primary care, non-directive counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy. They found that all chosen treatments had a considerable impact at four months on maternal mood but only psychodynamic therapy reduced depression significantly.The last kind of therapy focused on patient's experience and bygone conflicts of childhood and adolescence. All benefits of the treatment were not longer by nine months after delivery and did not reduce of recurrent episodes of depression in long-term perspective. These scientists urge that postnatal depression is associated with adverse child cognitive and socio-emotional outcome (2003). They found that early psychotherapeutic intervention had the short-term benefit to the mother-child relationship and i nfant behavior.In summarizing of foresaid we could said that the treatment of mood disorders in puerperal period includes two main components: medical interventions and psychotherapy. The choice of the methods and their combination depend on the severity of signs and risk of the recurrence of mood disorder. Women with mild disturbances of mood (postpartum blues) do not need specific treatment. This condition typically resolves spontaneously during first weeks.Because the medical interventions are not the subject of our competence we will focus on the findings in the field of psychotherapy. This approach is especially useful in women with mild or moderate severity of postnatal depression. The most of authors recommend group psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral and interpersonal therapy), but individual therapy is effective too. These methods can be combined with educational programs. O'Hara MW. and his coauthors evaluated efficacy of different methods of psychotherapy for postpartum d epression. They proposed interpersonal psychotherapy as the method of the choice in treatment of postpartum depression.They found that â€Å"interpersonal psychotherapy reduced depressive symptoms and improved social adjustment, and represents an alternative to pharmacotherapy, particularly for women who are breastfeeding†. We can see that the main benefit of psychotherapy is absence of adverse effects of taking medications. But in severe cases of postnatal depression or when patients do not respond to non-pharmacological treatment and in all cases of postpartum psychosis the pharmacological treatment is indicated.The prevalent forms of psychotherapy in the postnatal depression include cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy. Both individual and group therapy can be used. All types of non-pharmacological treatment are effective in mild and moderate severity of the depression.Untreated mood disorders place the mother at risk for recurrent disease. Furthermore, maternal depression is associated with long-term cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems in the child. One of the most important objectives is to increase awareness across the spectrum of health care professionals who care for women during pregnancy and the puerperium so that postpartum mood disorders may be identified early and treated appropriately.Effective pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are available. Every approach has the advantages and demerits. But to compare their effectiveness we need better-designed clinical trials and the unification of the approaches to the examining of the effectiveness of individual treatment components. Selecting the optimum treatments for women with different background and severity of the postnatal depression should be evidence-based and take into consideration the possibility of long-term effects of the mood disorder. References: 1.Clark R, Tluczek A, Wenzel A. (2003) Psychotherapy for postpartum depression: a preliminary report. Am J Orthopsychiatry. Oct; 73(4) p. 441-454. 2.Cooper PJ, Murray L, Wilson A, Romaniuk H. (2003) Controlled trial of the short- and long-term effect of psychological treatment of post-partum depression. I. Impact on maternal mood. Br J Psychiatry. May; 182: p. 412-419. 3.Dennis CL, Stewart DE. (2004) Treatment of postpartum depression, part 1: a critical review of biological interventions. J Clin Psychiatry. Sep; 65(9): p. 1242-1251. 4.Dennis CL. (2004) Treatment of postpartum depression, part 2: a critical review of nonbiological interventions. J Clin Psychiatry. Sep; 65(9): p. 1252-1265. 5.Hofecker-Fallahpour M., Zinkernagel-Burri C., Stà ¶ckli B., Wà ¼sten G., Stieglitz RD., Riecher-Rà ¶ssler A. (2003) Gruppentherapie bei Depression in der frà ¼hen Mutterschaft Erste Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie Der Nervenarzt Sep.; Band 74, Nummer 9; S.: 767 – 774 6.Murray L, Cooper PJ, Wilson A, Romaniuk H. (2003) Controlled trial of the short- and long-term effect of psychological treatment of post-partum depression: 2. Impact on the mother-child relationship and child outcome. Br J Psychiatry. May; 182: p. 420-427. 7.Nonacs R, Cohen LS. (1998) Postpartum mood disorders: diagnosis and treatment guidelines. J Clin Psychiatry. 59 Suppl 2: p. 34-40. 8.O'Hara MW, Stuart S, Gorman LL, Wenzel A. (2000) Efficacy of interpersonal psychotherapy for postpartum depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry. Nov; 7(11) p. 1039-1045. 9.Reck C., Weiss R., Fuchs T., Mà ¶hler E., Downing G., Mundt C. (2004) Psychotherapie der postpartalen Depression Mutter-Kind-Interaktion im Blickpunkt. Der Nervenarzt. November Band 75, Nummer 11 S.: 1068 – 1073 10.Seyfried LS, Marcus SM. (2003) Postpartum mood disorders. Int Rev Psychiatry.   Aug; 15(3) p. 231-242.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Interaction and Communication Essay

1. Understand the factors that can affect interaction and communication of individuals with dementia Explain how physical and mental health factors may need to be consider when communicating with an individual who has dementia. There are many factors to consider such as pain, pain can cause misunderstandings as individuals may be in so much discomfort they cannot what they want and how they are feeling. Depression can closely link with dementia and sometimes are mistaken for one another, if a resident has depression they may not want to communicate with other people which may force them to become more secluded and withdrawn unless correct help is introduced. Non-verbal communication may be present with some individuals; this is a factor to be considered. Non-verbal may be in the form of gestures, facial expressions and touch this is important for people with dementia who have lost or are losing their language skills. Mental health factors can be linked to aggression, if a resident can cause harm to self or others changes the way we approach that person. Describe how to support diffe rent communication abilities and needs of an individual with dementia who has sensory impairment. Sensory impairment could come in the form of loss of hearing or sight or partial loss of these factors. Ways to support these impairments could be the environment, background noise could be a factor which makes communication difficult for an individual they may find it hard to hear you talk or unable to communicate. Lighting may affect communication if a pace is too bright or not well lit then it may confuse a resident as they are unable to see and concentrate on what is being said. Is there any other distractions around that could confuse the service user such as music or activities full concentration may be needed. Sensory impairment may require the use of non verbal communication, gestures or facial expressions may help with what is being said. Other non-verbal may be the use of pictures or photographs to convey questions. If a person is deaf and contracted this at an early age they may need the use of sign language or if English s not a first language the use of an interpreter. W hen talking to someone who is impaired and living with dementia we must talk at a slower pace, used short simple sentences and speak clearly. able to  communicate with an individual with dementia using a range of verbal and non-verbal techniques. Read more:  Role of Communication and Interactions With Individuals Who Have Dementia Analyse ways of responding to behaviour of an individual with dementia, taking account of the abilities and needs of the individual, carers and others. All service users are individual and use different ways to communicate, carers must understand these different methods and try their best to help, speak and ask questions in a way that individual living with dementia will understand, this may be through appropriate physical contact for reassurance or using non verbal gestures. Mr. R is a resident living with dementia, although Mr. R is on end of life care he is very strong and can have periods of aggression. Sometimes when trying to communicate Mr. R can become frustrated as due to his progression of dementia he has slurred speech and cannot form full sentences. This frustration can turn into violence towards others when Mr. R feels he is not being understood, carers use short sentences and allow Mr. R time for him to make choices, we use non verbal communication, pictures and point t o objects. If Mr. R does become aggressive it’s the carers duty to step away from the situation, this is safe for the resident not to cause harm to themselves, carers and others around. Be able to use positive interaction approaches with individuals with dementia. Explain the differences between a reality orientation approach to interaction and a validation approach. Reality orientation approach technique to help manage and improve cognition and memory, relearning to improve response to gain confidence, the theory uses time, venue, place, people and objects as the basis, if individuals know all these things on one particular interaction they will be able to understand what they are doing and gain confidence about themselves. Aids come in the form of big clock, large calendars, name tags ect. For example if a resident is greeted and unable to remember where they are and what they are doing, if this is explained and validated by names, places and times they will be relieved and settled. If that resident using this approach looks at the clock in the morning this may trigger the decision to get up, wash and dress for breakfast as this is what they would usually do at that time. Validation therapy is instead of bringing a person back to that realit y of dates and times is to step in to their reality to comfort and reduce anxiety. Mr. P every morning asks about her husband, when she realise her husband has passed she becomes very upset and unsettled for  the whole day and will not eat meals, stepping into Mrs. P’s reality as she thinks he is at work reduces her anxiety, improves eating habits, reduces conflicts and improves self esteem.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

VW's Resources Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

VW's Resources - Assignment Example Based on the market research, VW should disseminate the information gathered to the research and development department so they can make the necessary adjustments in the automobile designs of VW. Since engineering is the core technical strength of VW, they should further enhance this strength by working hand in hand with the research and development team. Aside from the engineering strength of VW, another advantage of VW over the other automobile manufacturers is their heavy investment in plant and equipment. This, together with their gains in engineering can help overcome their weakness in terms of product development. Marketing and sales is considered an important capability in the car industry. One notices though that VW does not fare well in this area. The first step that VW should do is to redefine its target market. One probable reason why they do not perform as well as their competitors in this aspect may be because the strategies that they are employing are not appropriate to their target market. If VW will be able to specifically identify its target market, it will know how its characteristics and needs. The proper marketing and sales strategies will then be designed to answer to their target market’s needs. VW must look into the possibility of enlarging its auto dealerships nationwide and increasing their sales people. Increasing the sales people is not enough, they should also give them the right training to boost their sales. A review of VW’s marketing and sales pitch must be undertaken to determine its effectiveness. Another way to increase VW’s sales is to offer m ore incentives to their dealers and sales people whenever they reach their quota. Since VW’s strength is in the emerging markets, they should focus their attention in these markets. As of 2010, China is the largest market for the VW brand having a 33% market share worldwide (Soh, 2010). Given that VW has always had a weak North

Friday, September 27, 2019

Multicast routing in mobile networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multicast routing in mobile networking - Essay Example MAODV is the best in communicating from the sender to the receiver nodes. Packet delivery ratio for MAODV and AODV This is the ratio between the packet of data that are actually delivered and those sent by the source.AODV been a multicast routing protocol it performs slightly better than MAODV in terms of packet delivery ratio. The ratio increase as the number of receivers decreases. These are very shocking a result since MAODV is designed to handle multiple receivers. Magld (2007) This is a ratio measured against the pause time. It also used in measuring mobility. The results are expected because this is the testing a mobile ad hoc network environment.MAODV is seen to deliver more packets as long as time is not increased .It works better than AODV and FDQA. AODV and FDQA vary slightly overtime but they are much lower in terms of success rather than MAODV. Magld (2007) FDQA is designed to deal with one QoS requirement delay .FDQA has high end-to-end delay over time. In comparison to MAODV and AODV, which has lower latency in short, term .FDQA algorithm, this is based on Fanos algorithm. The simulation I have conducted is testing the effect change in the node delay that has the success ratio. I have also tested the node delay effect on the average message overhead. The result shows the node delay positively affects both FDQA and A0DV success ratios and it has much of an effect on average message overheads for FDQA. MAODV and AODV are compared in relation to three parameters namely; Throughput, latency and packet delivery ratio.MAODV has performed slightly better but not in all of them. It has generally works better in a multicast ad hoc network environment than AODV does despite having same similarities. In comparing MAODV, AODV and FDQA I have found that MAODV has a higher performance that FDQA in relation to packet delivery ratio.FDQA algorithm has been designed to address

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economics - Assignment Example (Anderson and Cavangh, 2004)Â   The unemployment rate accelerated from 9.7 percent to 9.8 per cent in September 2009. The US economy had lost 7.2m jobs since the beginning of the crisis in 2007 and about 15.1 million people were looking for jobs. The worst hit was the construction sector, which witnessed as many as 64,000 job losses. The manufacturing and the retail sectors were no exceptions where the employer cut down were 51,000 and 39,000 respectively. In this scenario of joblessness, where the growth in the unemployment rate was showing a northward trend I had to come up with a policy to address the issue on a more serious note. There is no doubt about the fact that outsourcing enhances globalization and opens trade which has been proved to be beneficial for both the parties engaged in it but at the same time it reduces the number of jobs available to the domestic workers. So a policy implication has to be made to stop outsourcing of jobs.(Anderson and cavangh , 2004) To overco me the unemployment issue in the country I have come up policies, which would stop outsourcing of work.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

US History project 1A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

US History project 1A - Essay Example This over taxation led to the "Taxation without Representation† uproar. Additionally, other events such as the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party escalated the conflicts between England and the American colonies into a revolution. Consequent to the many events that led to the American Revolution, England and the colonists had different views of the American Revolution and call for independence. While some believed that the American Revolution was justified, others’ opinions opposed the revolution. This paper explores the events that led to the start of the American Revolution and the colonist and the English views of the revolution. Events Preceding the American Revolution In the years preceding the American Revolution, certain events, which culminated in the revolution and the independence of the American colonists, occurred. For instance, in 1754 a plan was drawn by representatives from Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island an d New Hampshire at a meeting in Albany, New York against the prospect of war between the French and Britain. Although the individual Colonial legislatures rejected the common defense plan drawn by Benjamin Franklin, the members of the Albany Congress approved the document. Though it failed, the plan was among the first major attempts by the colonists towards the formation of a union and the basis for the fight for independence. The other event that preceded the American Revolution was the ascension to the throne of the twenty-two year old Prince of Wales to become King George III after the death of King George II. In addition to the Acts mentioned earlier, the Parliament passed the Currency Act, which prohibited the American colonies from printing paper money. In 1965 came the enforcement of the Quartering Act at the request of the commander-in-chief of all British military forces in the colonies General Thomas Gage. This act required colonists to provide shelter and food for Britis h soldiers and their horses. In the same year, a colonist group referred to as the "Sons of Liberty" rapidly grew throughout the colonies and became violent to stamp agents and supporters of the Stamp Act. In august of the same year, a mob burned the home belonging to Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson, followed by serious rioting in New York. Closer to the independence and bowing to pressures caused by the unrests in among the colonists and pleas from British merchants that were hurt by the colonies' boycott of British goods, the British Parliament repealed most of the acts in 1770. However, others such taxes, such as the tax on tea was retained. December 1770 was marked by the ending of the trials of Captain Thomas Preston and eight other soldiers charged with murder in the "Boston Massacre". The English point of view Generally, in the 1763-1783 periods, the British had constantly varied and fluctuating views of the American Revolution. That is, there was never a massive conviction among various segments of the British population, Tories, Whigs, or radical eighteenth-century Commonwealth-men on the American Revolution and independence (Mackesy & Shy, 1993). In fact, only a few British greatly perceived the political principles and issues central to the British and colonist conflicts. Furthermore, even in situations where such men had a common stance

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Homelessness - Essay Example I have found many people around me who forced to spend their final days of their lives in rescue homes even though they have enormous wealth. An old age couple who was staying near my home forced to transfer their lives to a near rescue home recently since they failed to get enough attention from their parents. These couple had huge wealth, but their children were working abroad. They failed to get enough protection from their children and finally forced to take shelter in a rescue home conducting by a charitable trust. In another case, I have seen a person forced to live in a rented house because of unemployment. The recent recession resulted in this person losing his job. He forced to sell his house in order to repay some of his debts and forced to shift to a small rented house with his wife and two children. Before recession itself, they were struggling to find their livelihood. When we analyze both the cases mentioned above, we can see that the homelessness problem is due to structural reasons rather than the individual reasons. Unemployment, poverty, lack of affordable housing, housing policies etc are some of the structural reasons commonly cited by many sociologists for homelessness (What causes homelessness?). But in the first case given above, we can see that the family set up forced the couple to take shelter in rescue homes. Kendall (2008) mentioned that people like to form groups to meet instrumental and expressive needs. Instrumental or task oriented needs cannot be met by one persona alone, so the group work cooperatively to fulfill the goal. Moreover small groups are better for all the members to acquaint well and to interact simultaneously (Kendall, p.151-152). The first case given above can be analyzed with respect to the above perspective. As per the current trends, people like to live in nuclear families, a family with husband, wife and one or two children. It is difficult for them to accommodate more

Monday, September 23, 2019

HRM Current Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

HRM Current Issues - Essay Example In this globalised world, an economic problem in one country will not get restricted to that country, but gets spread to other countries. This is what happening today, with the economic recession starting in United States of America, is having a very negative effect all over the world. Many companies are suffering losses and as a result, many employees are losing their jobs. Also, many organizations have quietly cut the salaries and other fringe benefits to their employees. So, the fear that their jobs and salary are at stake and to continue working, the employees are forced to work pushing their limits, leading to stress. With stressed mind, the employees will be hard-pressed to use his/hers physical and mental part, to work effectively for the organization. Stressed mind in the sense, due to the poor match between work load and the capabilities, resources, etc of the worker, the mind of the worker could be become disoriented leading to the damaging of workers biological, psychologi cal or social systems.. Stress is something which can happen to an individual both due to a positive action or change as well as negative action or change. That is, stress can be felt by the employees, if positive actions or changes like promotion, new assignments, new responsibilities, etc happen in his/hers professional life. Also in the same but different way, the employees will become stressed, if he/she faces negative actions or changes both in his/hers professional as well as personal life. The negative events or issues that could trigger stress are unemployment, suspension, failure to meet the targets, pressure, intimidation, abuse, etc from the superior as well as co-workers, divorce, deaths, etc, etc. When the above mentioned negative changes or actions occurs, they will be least expecting it and so they will be unable to handle it. That is, those

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Management and the Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management and the Arts - Essay Example The Center functioned to commission research programs, present public forums, and to publish new researchers and viewpoints on the arts and culture. However, a decade later on December 30, 2005, the Centre closed its doors forever. Notably, the Center for Arts & Culture lacks a clear and salient mission statement on their About Us page on their website. However, the Centre does provide website pages for each of the policies that guide the organization. The Center recognises seven areas where policy and cultural issues overlap; law; globalization; access; preservation; community; investment; and education. These are outlined further: Law - The Center orients itself with creativity and the Law. Three areas of immediate concern are: copyright and intellectual property, freedom of expression and content control, and consolidation and consumer choice. The changes made within the legal system, decisions made in court and changes to regulatory infrastructures have a dramatic influence on cultural being. Globalization - The influence of globalization and modernization are examined by the Center, especially with regard to the impact of foreign policies on the promotion of understanding arts and culture. The development of cultural and public diplomacy, exchange programs, visa policies, trade agreements and other policies are evaluated to determine their international influence on the development, preservation and expression of culture. Access - The Center aims to provide accurate and in-depth policies that will lower the barriers to access, as well as the creation, of the arts and cultural information. Barriers may be in the form of geography, literacy, disability or the infrastructure of a culture. Public policies were monitored which were deemed to make cultural information accessible or that provided resources for people to be able to develop culturally relevant art and information for their personal use, as well as their communities. Preservation - Policies are also monitored that explore new develops in arts and cultural heritage, along with humanities education and the evolution of the workforce of the 21st century. Historic preservation allows cultural tourism and civic contributions. It is by way of culture that an important facet of economic revitalization occurs, motivating communities to collaborate in development. Culture is able to enhance or hinder a person's quality of life to a degree beyond that of economic influence. The Center's focus is on historic preservation, documents and archives, sites and monuments, living cultural heritage, and cultural property. Community - The definitions of the constructs "community" and "culture" are changing in post-modern industrial societies. Technological advances such as the internet and virtual reality have allowed for a crossing of boarders on an epic scale. The Centre evaluates public policies at the federal, state, and local levels that are deemed to directly influence the quality of life and economic well being of a community. Investment - The U.S.A. has a novel system of subsidy and tax policies that differs it from centrally-managed federal programs. However, identifying the appropriate instruments to motivate cultural development is an ongoing concern

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Children Essay Example for Free

Children Essay 1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice. The aspects of my role within our setting are regulated by our policies and procedures which have been written with current legislation such as the Children’s act. These policies and procedures cover promoting positive behaviour and we all follow that as our code of practice as this is an important area to both us and all our children. We focus very much on praise for good behaviour, respecting each other and each other’s feelings, helping each other and if they cannot do something but try we give praise for trying. We feel that a child’s behaviour is reflected in how much they feel valued within our setting, we make sure the children have planned activities for them to experience and we allow the children to have their say and we change and mould activities letting the children take the lead and let the activity free flow and it ends up being a lot of fun. We do have a set of house rules which we feel are realistic and very set around house rules that would apply in their own home. We try to be consistent in enforcing these house rules which very much includes our own daughter, we make sure she is included in following the house rules the same as all the other children that we look after. However all children will have times where they misbehave and for this we have several strategies, depending on the age and stage of ability of the child but we find that they work well for us. * Distraction- We will remove the child from a situation and give them an alternative activity or we ask the child to help us with a special task and tell them we need their help. * Ignoring- Depending on the situation we may ignore the bad behaviour as we feel it is being done to get a reaction, we do find this more common with our own daughter too. * Discuss with child- We will take the child to one side and talk to them about why we will remove them from the activity if they continue even though we don’t want to do that but we want children to understand that their actions have consequences, we are always very careful that we explain that it’s their behaviour that we don’t like not them. We also talk to the child about how they are feeling maybe not at that point but we return to it later on to see if anything is troubling them that they want to talk about * Time Out- Removing the child from an activity or situation and giving them some quiet time, maybe even some TV time if this is what their prefer to do, we find that some children burn out and just need some short time on their own or with a friend to chill out and relax We will never smack, shake, or hurt a child in any way and we will never humiliate a child ever We would always discuss the situation with the parent on collecting; we have never had a situation where we have had to call a parent/carer to collect the child but if the situation needed it we would do that. We have found that some children get quite distressed if you tell their parents about their behaviour and this can actually have a negative reaction so we will catch the parent before the child knows they are here and speak to them in private in our lounge about the situation, confirm how we dealt with it at the time and the outcome and that we have dealt with the behaviour at the time that it happened. 1.2 Define what is meant by restrictive interventions. There are a number of forms of restrictive intervention’s, the first one is physical intervention where you have to intervene such as if two children were having a fight and you wanted to break them up then there is a good chance that you will need to separate them to calm them down. Social intervention is another form of restrictive intervention where you can deal with the situation with speech, body language and facial expressions. Social intervention is also used in the setting for example the stair gates to stop the children climbing the stairs, the safety straps on the high chair so they don’t fall out. 1.3 Explain when restrictive intervention may and may not be used. Practitioners will always look for the best possible way of dealing with situations that may arise, unfortunately that’s sometimes not the case and there are times where Restrictive intervention may be required when a child is showing signs of unreasonable behaviour and everything has been taken into account of trying to reason with them, intervention may then be used, but any forms of intervention are best used as a last resort as its always best practice to communicate in a positive way but strongly depending on the circumstances and situation i.e. any injury that may have been caused by a child to another could have been an accident and therefore intervention of any kind may not be required on this occasion. 1.4 Explain who needs to be informed of any incidents where restrictive interventions have been used. It outlines in the EYFS that one intervention that can be used however rare that it is, can be that of a physical one, it is used to manage a child’s behaviour and it must be recorded and the parents must be informed on the same day as the incident occurred. Our own policies and procedures state that any intervention that has been required will be discussed with you at the time of pick up, written in their handbook if they have one or a phone call will be made on that day by us informing the parents of the incident and how it was dealt with at the time. 1.5 Explain why the least restrictive interventions should be used when dealing with incidents of challenging behaviour. I think it’s always important for people who look after children in whatever role they may do to be positive in sometimes difficult circumstances, I don’t mean we should praise bad behaviour far from it but we need to show positive reinforcement of some nature in order for us to get the best out of young people , negativity won’t bring out the best in people and will only give them a sense of despair and lack of self-confidence, positive feedback will hopefully bring them the confidence they need in life to go from strength to strength so I feel it’s always important to concentrate on what they can do well and not what they can’t do right. For all parties involved in situations of bad behaviour it’s important if possible to diffuse situations and to try and talk things through to a resolution with the child involved, with safety in mind. 1.6 Describe safeguards that must be in place if restrictive physical interventions are used. With health and safety in mind there are environments that need to be safe if any physical intervention is required, safety to all is priority in this situation and as unfortunate as it may be, if a person cannot be calmed down by any other means as previously discussed a situation may escalate and turn physical. It’s important that all children are safe and therefore removed from the setting and placed with other practitioners in another room away from the threatening behaviour of the individual concerned. If any unfortunate event does take place it’s important that the room is as safe as possible to avoid any injury to all involved, remember we are still looking for a peaceful and positive ending here and a physical situation is really the last thing anybody needs reminding here that its best if 2 practitioners are on standby as witnesses may be needed if things got out of hand and if anything was ever required from a medical point of view. 2.1 Explain the difference between proactive and reactive strategies. These are both at each end of the spectrum, a Proactive strategy is about us preventing a situation that we perceive may happen , a reactive strategy is something that hasn’t happened yet and something we may have to react to, a negative situation that we may have to turn into a positive one. 2.2 identify the proactive and reactive strategies that are used within own work role. To use these strategies’ it’s about us seeing, hearing and being aware of situations almost in a psychic form that may develop in our setting, for us to react and respond in a way to prevent something we feel may happen, as it may have happened before so will it happen again?, this could be any type of issue or situation and any act that is carried out by a child such as crying, aggressive behaviour, smacking, biting, arguments , an example of a situation that has occurred with us in our setting are as follows, a proactive and reactive example of the way we work would be to plan an activity when 2 of the children that are involved in this don’t get along very well but we want them to feel included in the groups activity ,it’s our job to understand what happened previously when we did this activity and the cause of the situation in the first place we can then implement ch ange for next time and see if there is any change in the behaviour of the child or children if resolved then fine, if not it’s up to us again to look at the cause and then try another method , methods used in situations like this would be to: Use our knowledge in order to avoid escalation, containment, use diversion as a strategy, use mediation, challenge and explain to children the consequences of their actions, support children and help them resolve situations to a positive end. 2.3 Explain the importance of identifying patterns of behaviour or triggers to challenging behaviour when establishing proactive or reactive strategies to be used. Like I’ve touched on earlier it’s about identifying the early warning signs that triggers children to cause disruptive behaviour and for us to intervene and preventing it from escalating further, it’s usually in our case quite easy to spot as you will see situations from time to time where you may find a child can start something and others will follow and do the same thing , an example of this would be where a child has been given something to do but has no interest in what they are doing, with nothing to do they begin to run around the play area and cause other children to do the same, it’s up to us to identify and intervene with this before it happens , a warning sign can sometimes be a change in their mood and other causes are as follows. Boredom give them something to focus on. Lack of choice it’s so important for them to them to be stimulated make sure there is plenty of choice in terms of things to do. Frustration in not being able to do something. Lack of attention make sure we communicate with them and show positive feedback if their doing something well. Disruption and noise – make sure of a calm environment. Too many children doing an activity – move make sure there another alternative activity A difficult one to identify is sometimes when they’re not well, all children are different and react in different kinds of ways, some will communicate and engage well and some wont. 2.4 Explain the importance of maintaining a person or child-centred approach when establishing proactive strategies. Challenging behaviour can be an individual thing and not all children react in the same way or react at the same level there can be different degrees in the severity of the behaviour. When dealing with inappropriate behaviour it’s important that each child is handled as an individual and not as a group, this shows that we are capable of adapting to each single case and it must be noted that a technique that may suit one child may not suit another, treating the children as individuals is also gives them a sense of value as they are treated as individual young people. Like we’ve said often despite the circumstances a positive spin on the situation is always a good one to end with. 2.5 Explain the importance of reinforcing positive behaviour with individuals. All people like to be praised and look for approval its only human nature and children are no different, to be positive as a person comes from positive behaviour itself, it’s always what we strive for and to be as a person, it’s vital that we show encouragement, praise and to be positive when they do something well if children are not praised for doing something well or they don’t get encouragement in a positive way they will look for attention in another ways, this is usually from a negative point of view i.e. they will start to show challenging behaviour in order to get a response this is most certainly what we don’t want ,as its not only bad for the child in question but the practitioner will find frustration in the fact that the feeling they now have could come across to the child in a negative light and that was something they were trying to avoid initially. You can now see that reinforcing positive behaviour is a good thing and the children mirror th is situation by acting appropriately well and in a positive light. 2.6 Evaluate the impact on an individual’s well-being of using reactive rather than proactive strategies. The use of a reactive approach towards a child is more of a negative one I feel, as an incident has already occurred and there will be a consequence for the child’s action, whereas a proactive approach is more of a positive one as it outlines from the start the behaviour that is expected from them, children as they are need constant reminders of good positive behaviour and if a proactive approach wasn’t used in the first place and an incident has occurred , the reactive approach after the incident has taken place can make the child in question feel a sense of confusion ,they may feel ashamed, humiliated and a whole host of negative feelings even if they are expressed in a positive light.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Islamic Finance Issues With Securitization

Islamic Finance Issues With Securitization Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Allah has created people to know Him and worship Him, in observance of His due lordship and divinity. That is why Islam made devotion to Allah the primary requirement of a Muslim after the two witnesses [of No God but Allah, and Mohammad is His Prophet]. Transactions are part of the religious issues that a Muslim performs for the sake of Allah Most High. Every Muslim was keen on having the best conduct in transacting within their effort to get closer to Allah Most High, and to fulfill the best life structure for mankind (Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?)[1]. One of the distinctive characteristics of the nature of transactions, and economy in general and Islamic economy in particular, was its ability to expand, renovate and develop. It has unique flexibility that can accommodate new issues and questions revolving about the needs of people, or the requirements of their transactions. Financial transactions are one of the most important aspects of daily life. They are increasingly active and developing. The forms of doing such transactions are renewed and developed in accordance with modern life activity. One of the latest and most prominent developments was the appearance of securitization process among the financial organizations worldwide. Lots of discussion is held at present about securitization, which means the conversion of illiquid assets to financial papers. In reality, securitization is a modern financial instrument that had initially started in the US, in particular. Many American banks worked hard to securitize their debts. Even though securitization originated in the Western World, Islam does not prohibit us from benefiting from non-Muslim inventions, so long as these inventions do not contradict with the basics of Islamic law and its roots. Interestingly, Islam was ahead of the West in using the securitization as a document to prove some right. Al-Nawawi discussed this issue, and declared As-Sukak Ø §Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒËœÃ‚ µÃƒâ„¢Ã†â€™ÃƒËœÃ‚ §Ãƒâ„¢Ã†â€™ is a plural of Sak Ø µÃƒâ„¢Ã†â€™ ; it is a written document in proof of a debt. The plural can also be Sukuk Ø µÃƒâ„¢Ã†â€™Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ãƒâ„¢Ã†â€™ . It refers to the document issued by a guardian ordering provisions, of food or others, to entitled holde rs. The holder may sell this document to others before getting the prescribed provisions (Al-Nawawi, Abu-Zakariyya Yahya M. 1971) [43]. In securitization, special purpose company is one of the important components of such process. This type of company appears with the securitization process, and plays a critical role in that process. Accordingly, in this dissertation the researcher endeavors to know the legal position of such a company and to identify the legal Islamic ruling related to such a company based on its nature, function and relationship with other components of the securitization process. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY This topic has its own scientific and practical importance from a scientific perspective. The special purpose company (SPC) is still a hot topic under discussion. The major issue relates to its legal position in the Islamic law. There are still controversy around its nature and function. Securitization is one of the troubling issues around the world. From a practical perspective, the researcher posits that the concept of securitization in general and special purpose company in particular has entered all aspects of economic and societal life, while related transactions have spread in many countries, and hence become part-and-parcel of some banking financial instruments . Accordingly, knowledge of the concept of this type of company and its function becomes a communal obligation on every Muslim. Muslims should be well informed about such type of companies. If they are legally permissible, then he can deal with them with confidence; otherwise, a Muslim should turn away from such a company so long as he has the option. In case Muslims find that they are legally prohibited and find themselves forced to deal with them, the least they can do is express their discontent of such sort of companies or hold an ideology of rejecting them. This process of inquiry into business-related legal matters is a must in a Muslim’s life. This commitment cannot happen without the knowledge of the Islamic position of everything a Muslim deals with in his/her life, even where he/she does not have the option. THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS The research question lies down in presenting the concept of the special purpose company, and shows its impact on the issuance of Islamic financial products and more specifically Sukuk. The researcher will try in this dissertation to answer the following questions: First: What is the special purpose company, and what are the reasons behind its appearance? Second: What are the characteristics of the special purpose company, and what are its types? Third: What is securitization, its pillars and importance? Fourth: What is the importance of the special purpose company in the securitization process? Fifth: What function does the special purpose company play in the securitization process and the structuring of Islamic Financial products? Sixth: What is the legal jurisprudence and Shari’ah objective position on the special purpose company? THE GOALS OF THE STUDY In accordance with the above, I have selected this topic in order to achieve certain goals, the most important of which are: To show the concept of the special purpose company and the reasons behind its emergence. To expose the characteristics of the special purpose company and its types. To exert best effort to research the concept of the securitization process, and show its importance and major financing components. To show the importance of the special purpose company in the securitization process. To present the jurisprudential position and Shari’ah objectives of the special purpose company (SPC) in modern Islamic finance products structuring. PREVIOUS STUDIES As the topic is still rather new, I could not put my hands on some in-depth scientific research on the subject, except some on securitization and SPV in general. The most important of these studies were: Al-Tawreeq wa Mada Ahmmiyatahu fi Dhil Qanoon Al-Rahn Al-Aqari [Translated as: Securitization and its importance in relation to the real estate mortgage] (Al-Hijazi, Obaid Ali Ahmad 2001) [44]. The author defined securitization, its components, development and importance. The author has briefly revealed the role of special purpose companies in the securitization process. The dissertation was limited to some restricted real estate application and lacks the Shari’ah viewpoint. Dawr Al-Sukuk Al-Islamiyah Fi Tamweel Al-Mashroo’at Al-Tanmawiyah [Translated as: The role of Islamic Sukuk in financing development projects] ( Mohammed Saleh and Fath- Al-Rahman Ali, 2008),. This research, presented at the Islamic Banking Symposium, covered the concept of Islamic securitization and its role in mobilizing financial resources in order to finance development projects. It also covered the risks inherited in these sukuk and how to manage them. The author has briefly touched on the relationship arrangement among the parties to these Sukuk. The dissertation was more specific to the Sukuk from Shari’ah viewpoint and did not discuss the SPV role in these structures. Al-Tawriq wa Baqiyat Adawat Al-Suyoolah li-sook Al-Islamiyah [Securitization and the rest of liquidity instruments for Islamic market] (Mala’ekah, Saleh 2005). This study has touched on the concept of securitization and its Islamic ruling. It has further touched on the role of Al-Tawfeeq and Al-Ameen companies in the field of mutual funds securitization. At the end of the study, the researcher elaborated on some of the securitization problems. The study lacks in-depth analysis to the modern practice in today’s contemporary Islamic banking products. Al-Sukuk Al-Isalamiyah wa Tatbeeqatiha Al-Moa’sirah wa Tadawuliha [Islamic Securitization, and its modern applications and trading] (Muheisen, Fouad Mohammed Ahmad 2009). The researcher expounded therein on the securitization concept, its goals, motives, and the jurisprudential rules for contemporary securitization process together with its Islamic legal controls. Also, the researcher showed the parties to securitization process, and made a comparison between the traditional securitizations and Islamic ones but lacks the analysis of the SPV role in the Sukuk Structures. Al-Taskik wa Dawruhu fi Sooq Maliyah Islamiyah [Securitization and its role in the development of an Islamic Financial Market] (Bani Amer, Zaherah Ali Mohammed 2008). In this study, the researcher elaborated on the concept of international markets and traditional securitization and its components. The researcher also presented Islamic securitization in a good way in this study. 1.5.1 What makes this study different? In general, previous studies were concerned with historical precedence, details and comments on the securitization process in order to understand its nature, and made a comparison between traditional and Islamic securitization. No study has dealt with the concept of the special purpose company, whether from a conceptual and advantageous perspective or from jurisprudential perspective in relation to other parties to the securitization process in contemporary Islamic Finance. This dissertation is different from previous studies on the following grounds: In terms of completeness, this dissertation is more comprehensive and has covered the shortfalls in some of the previous studies, by handling the concept of the special purpose company, its characteristics and nature. In terms of categorization, this dissertation presented different layout of the research components so as to accommodate the Islamic legal position together with the jurisprudential referencing for the special purpose company, in terms of its relationship with other parties to the securitization process, which is common among countries where this structure is being practiced at present. That would make this dissertation very distinctive from other previous studies. 1.6 Methodology This dissertation assumed an inductive research method in data collection. Further, the dissertation assumed the analytical method for investigation, presentation and formulation, all the way through the conclusion about the concept of the special purpose company and its impact on securitization. 1.7 The Research Plan This dissertation covered an introduction, five chapters and the conclusion chapter six. CHAPTER ONE: Introduction: It covered the importance of this dissertation, its objectives, methodology, previous studies and the research plan. CHAPTER TWO: The Company Literature: The Company in Islamic Jurisprudence and Man-made Law. It falls into two parts: Part One: The Concept of Company in Islamic Jurisprudence Section One: The Definition of Company Section Two: Legality of a Company Section Three: Categories of Companies: Communal Companies, Property Companies, and Contractual Companies Part Two: The Concept of Company in the Man-made Law Section One: The Company by Its General Concept Section Two: The Company by Its Objective Section Three: The Company by Its Business and Activities Section Four: The Company by Its Relationship to Other Companies CHAPTER THREE: SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPANY (SPC) ROLE IN FINANCE: What is the Special Purpose Company and Its role in finance? It falls into two parts: Part One: Definition of the Special Purpose Company, Its Development and Reasons behind Its Appearance Section One: Definition of Special Purpose Company Section Two: Development of Special Purpose Company Section Three: Reasons behind the Appearance of Special Purpose Company, and the Need for It Part Two: Characteristics of Special Purpose Company, and Its Types Section One: Types of Special Purpose Company Section Two: Nature of Special Purpose Company and Its Characteristics Section Three: The Accounting Process for the Special Purpose Company CHAPTER FOUR: LEGAL AND SHARI’AH FRAMEWORK FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPANY IN ISLAMIC FINANCE: It explains the Securitization Process and the Importance of Special Purpose Company for Securitization in contemporary Islamic Finance. It covers six parts: Part One: The Concept of Securitization Part Two: The Pillars of Securitization, Its Importance and Components Part Three: Types of Securitization and Comparison between the Traditional Model and Islamic Model in Security Issuance Part Four: Reasons and Prospects of Securitization Part Five: Legal Dimension (Techniques) and Accounting Dimension of Securitization Part Six:Importance of Special Purpose Company in Securitization CHAPTER FIVE: SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPANY (SPC) IN SUKUK STRUCTURING: The Relationship between the Special Purpose Company and Sukuk Structuring and other pertinent rulings. It falls into two parts: Part One: The Function of Special Purpose Company in Traditional Securitization, and the Process of Islamic Securitization Section One: The Function of a Special Purpose Company When Established in the Form of a Company Section Two: The Function of a Special Purpose Company When Established in the Form of Mutual Fund Section Three: The Function of a Special Purpose Company When Established in the Form of financing Contract Based on Trust Part Two: Jurisprudential Documentation of Special Purpose Company Section One: Relationships Documentation between Parties to Securitization Section Two: Legal Controls for the Special Purpose Company in Securitization Section Three: Proposed Model of Special Purpose Company in Securitization Process CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMNEDATIONS, AND FUTURE OUTLOOK: This chapter covers the most important conclusions and recommendations. I would like to point out that any human effort is characterized by flaws and imperfections. Perfection belongs only to the Divine. Anything that is true in my writing must have come from the Gracious Lord alone; whatever flaws committed must have come from myself and the devil I ask God Most High to accept this effort as sincere for His own sake. I ask God as well to make out any shortage and fix any flaw. He is the best sponsor and best supporter. May Allah take us by our good faith and intention! He is the source of success, and all praise is due to Him. [1] Quran. Surat Al-Mulk (67:14)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Those Winter Sundays Essay -- essays research papers

Knowing Your Father Being a child is one of the hardest stages in a person’s life. They go through doing all the wrong things in order to learn how to do the right things, and then they socially develop into a sensible mature adult. During this stage of a young child's life, the roles of parenting are absolutely crucial and determine a child’s role that he/she is going to play in society in the future. This is a crucial part of everyone’s life, they need to learn what they are good at and what they are not good at. In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, there is a sense that the narrator does not have a special bond with his father when he was a young boy, and that there is a sense of fear toward his father. I feel that in order to grow up and be a morally strong-stable person, you need a well-built relationship with at least one of your parents, if not both. Which was more common back then than now. Growing up in a very suburban town taught me many things about being a boy and even further into my life as then becoming a young man. I spent most of my childhood days running around the desert with my motorcycle, riding in the dirt track I had, or helping my father with some project that he had around the house or in the garage with the cars. I used to always come back to him with everything for help and the support that I needed. I would run up to the house, break his concentration, and he would come help me with whatever I needed help with. He al...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Kent State Essay -- National Guard History Kent State Essays

Kent State In 1970 the nation was in its highest state of controversy. The generation gap that had begun to form in the sixties was now more of a ravine. The youth of America was finally standing up and raising their voices in protest against all the problems that plagued the country they would have control of in years to come. There were many events that helped in feeding the flame in the hearts of Americans. One such event was the Kent State University incident. It is an event that touched the nation and made such a profound mark, and yet it only lasted for thirteen seconds. In the thirteen seconds the Ohio National Guard, along with the rest of government by association, established themselves as the new enemy. All eyes were on them, scrutinizing their every move, pointing out every mistake they made. Interestingly enough, most don’t even really know exactly what went on in those thirteen seconds, but they knew that it left four students dead and nine injured at the hand of the Nation al Guard, so that was enough to strike the hearts on millions. Still today, twenty-nine years later, we still don’t really know what went on. Who fired the first shot, and were they provoked? Was it necessary for the National Guard to be present on this typically calm college campus in the first place? And why did it have to end in such tragedy? There are so many questions, and so many misconceptions about this incident, and like any controversial issue, there are always two sides to the story. Before choosing sides one must always look at the facts. The most important fact to know about the situation at Kent State University is that in the days before the shootings, the campus was anything but calm. It all began on Thursday, April 30,... ...nd nobody has been to this. In all of the books, magazine articles, and web pages dedicated to this subject, it is impossible to find an unbiased one. I have to admit that I did go into my research in favor of the students, but the more I read of the situation on campus in the days prior to the shooting, the more I found myself asking â€Å"How I would I have handled a situation like that if I had been a member of the Guard?† I can only conclude that there is no right answer to that. There are so many questions, and so many misconceptions about this incident, and like any controversial issue, there are always two sides to the story. Now that I have thoroughly studied both sides to the story, I still have no idea who I think was in the wrong. There are simply too many unanswerable wholes in the stories from both sides that now I can’t say I’m for or against either one.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A death in the family Essay -- essays research papers

James Agee's A Death in the Family is a posthumous novel based on the largely complete manuscript that the author left upon his death in 1955. Agee had been working on the novel for many years, and portions of the work had already appeared in The Partisan Review, The Cambridge Review, The New Yorker, and Harper's Bazaar. Published in 1957, the novel was edited by David McDowell. Several lengthy passages, part of Agee's manuscript whose position in the chronology was not identified by the author, were placed in italics by the editor, whose decision it was to place them at the conclusion of Parts I and II. These dream-like sequences suggest the influence of James Joyce, especially of Ulysses, on Agee's writing. It was also McDowell's decision to add the brief prefatory section, â€Å"Knoxville: Summer, 1915,† Agee's poetic meditation on his southern childhood. As an overture to the novel, this evocative section, although not part of Agee's original manuscript, is extremely effective, for it introduces the theme of lost childhood happiness that is central in the novel as a whole. The novel will treat the same milieu of middle-class domestic life-a social milieu whose calm surface of â€Å"normality† is shattered by the tragic and possibly suicidal death of Jay Follet, the child protagonist's father. In Part I of the novel, Agee quickly establishes the importance of the father-son relationship. Rufus Follet, Jay's six-year-old son, accompanies his father to the silent film theatre against the objection of Rufus's mother, who finds Charlie Chaplin (one of James Agee's heroes) â€Å"nasty† and â€Å"vulgar.† This disagreement underscores the marital conflict that underlies Rufus's ambivalent feelings toward both his parents. When Jay takes Rufus to a neighborhood tavern after the picture show, despite the father's warmth and love for his son, it is clear that the father's pride is constrained by the fact that the son's proclivities, even at this early age, follow the mother's interests in â€Å"culture† rather than the father's more democratic tastes for athletic ability and social pursuits. Tensions between Rufus's parents are apparent as Jay's drinking and â€Å"vulgar† habits become a point of contention in the household, with the child Rufus caught b etween his sometimes bickering parents. For her part, Mary Follet is a character whose extreme subjection to moralistic attitudes suggests... ... a prayer for the dead. Meanwhile Uncle Andrew takes Rufus for a walk and tells him about the â€Å"magnificent butterfly† that settled on Jay's coffin just as it was lowered into the grave before flying off high into the sky – an episode that Andrew believes â€Å"miraculous.† Andrews then reviles Father Jackson, who has refused to read the full burial service, since Jay has never been baptized. Rufus struggles to understand the hostility that Andrew feels toward the church even as he loves Christians such as Mary and Hannah. Rufus wants to ask for some clarification, but instead he and Andrew walk silently home. Thus Agee ends the novel on a note of unresolved conflict. As he grows up, it is suggested, Rufus will continue to suffer from the same divisions of faith and social milieu that are involved in his parents' relationship, and he will develop into the contemplative artist who already, at the age of six, has shown such sensitivity to human motives and the language in which they are conveyed. Written toward the end of his life, A Death in the Family may be considered Agee's attempt to understand the origins of, and to come to terms with, the self-division that plagued his existence.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Odyssey- Odysseus’s Behavior Essay

Odysseus’s behavior was ironic when he deliberately concealed part of Circe’s prophecy from his men because when Odysseus and his men went through Scylla, all of the men were scared and some of the men were killed. In the Odyssey it said that: â€Å"My men all blanched against the gloom our eyes were fixed upon that yawning mouth in fear of being devoured† (Homer886) This quote showed that Odysseus’s behavior was ironic because since he did not tell his men that they were going through Scylla so they were terrified. The men just saw this huge whirlpool in the middle of the sea and were not really pleased to hear that they were going through that and not knowing the outcome. They were very scared because the outcome could result in them dying. When the Odyssey was talking about when Odysseus’ men were getting killed The Odyssey said: â€Å"Then Scylla made her strike, whisking six of my best men from the shop. It happened to glace aft at ship and oarsmen and caught sight of their arms and legs, dangling high overhead† (Homer886). This quote is showing that Scylla ate six of Odysseus’ best men while they were traveling by her. This was the aftershock of Odysseus not telling his men that they were going to see Scylla in this journey and most likely get eaten. Yet again all of the me were ate only because Odysseus did not tell his men about the ending that they could of all been dead in the end. In conclusion, Odysseus’ behavior was ironic when he deliberately concealed part of Circe’s prophecy from his men because Odysseus did not tell his men that they would travel though her and get scared and eaten.

Stress, Dieting, and Periodontal Disease

Christine Dursunian Principles of Dental Hygiene II Professor Willis Research Paper Stress, dieting and periodontal disease and to compromised systemic health. Stress, dieting, cultural diversity, foundation of health and periodontal disease: The average person would never think that all four of these topics would coincide with one another. They do, each affecting the other as stepping stones towards periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, including periodontitis and gingivitis, are chronic, bacterial infections and inflammatory diseases affecting the periodontium (tissues that support the teeth).Periodontal diseases are the most prevalent chronic diseases affecting children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. The periodontium is a complex, highly specialized, shock-absorbing and pressure-sensing system consisting of four interrelated tissues supporting the teeth: cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and junctional and sulcular epithelia (1). Periodontal disease can aff ect one or many teeth. It can also lead to progressive bone loss around teeth, which can lead to loosening and possible loss of the teeth if left untreated.There are many factors to periodontal disease that have been proven to be directly related to this growing disease, in certain populations and cultures that have been proven to stand out more than others. Through research and advanced studies with guidelines of evaluation, stress and dieting has been shown to be associated with periodontal disease(2). These additional factors involve diet, lifestyle, cultures, also including collective types of strains in ones everyday life. Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that support the teeth.These infections are associated with specific pathogenic bacteria that colonize the subgingival area. When the teeth are being supported by the gingiva; the gingiva does not attach to the tooth firmly as one might think. Part of the tooth’s anatomy consists of a shallow v-shaped gaped called the sulcus which exists between the tooth and the gingiva. Periodontal disease affects this gap causing the tissue supporting the tooth to break down. Periodontal disease transitions through different levels to become what it is.Research studies indicate that a specific set of guidelines during evaluation of the association of stress and periodontal disease are important. When proposing experimental approaches, specifically in psychosocial stress and periodontal disease; present studies and future experiments show the next six factors to be very useful. Periodontal disease is measured as unique disease outcome and should not be included in a composite index with other oral diseases(3). Validated instruments are assessed for stress, distress, and copying behaviors.These helpful instruments, validated by prior studies, also on the population for each applied for research. Indications of compliance with oral health organization system should measure at-risk behaviors. Incl uding oral health behaviors such as preventive dental visits, regulations of oral hygiene regimens, and an assessment of plaque, gingivitis, and other existing disease. By rigorously establishing psychosocial factors such as stress distress, and coping behaviors are true risk factors for periodontal disease case studies and case-control series generate hypotheses (4).These hypotheses are over large cross-sectional and longitudinal epidemiological studies. Studies in which mechanisms of psychosocial stress or distress show the application of periodontal disease The necessity to show relationship and correlation of applying different assessments such as biochemical mediators of stress, immune functions, or neurological and endocrine alterations as well as behavioral changes are significant in these cases(5). Lastly are randomized controlled trial methodology, the intervention of studies using stress management to establish efficacy of modification of stress as modality of stress-assoc iated disease.Managing these controlled trials allows to reduce stress or distress. Periodontal disease has been associated for years with risk factors such as oral environment, age, female hormones, family factors, smoking and nicotine, and diseases associated with periodontal disease. When discussing oral environment the first issue that comes to mind is lack of oral hygiene. Lack of oral hygiene encourages bacterial buildup and plaque formation, which puts the oral cavity into a very susceptible position for periodontal disease.Inadequate contoured restoration has also created rise to periodontal disease for its restorations of fillings and crowns. By poor dentistry the restorations help trap for debris and plaque because of its defect in contour. Anatomical tooth abnormalities are influential risk factors just as poor restorations would be, because of these abnormalities the teeth are not aligned in their natural state causing food particles to build up to the ladder of periodon tal disease causing plaque and bacteria formation. Lastly would be the anatomy of the third molars, also known as the wisdom teeth.This tooth especially is a known to be a major breeding ground for bacteria, by reason of its location and patients finding difficulty reaching posteriorly to the mouth while brushing. Other studies of this particular tooth show the unique tissues surrounding this molar region has been destructed of the plaque formation and the tissue becoming more sensitive when the third molar is impacted, meaning when the tooth is wedged between another tooth and the jaw. Next commonly associated risk factor with periodontal disease is age.Another problem in aging, comes the increase of obtaining periodontal disease. Studies have shown that thirty percent of the adults in America have periodontal disease and mostly found in people over the age of seventy years old, eighty-six percent have periodontitis (6). Rare cases it has been shown for young adolescents who are su bjected to this disease. Adding to this is family factors, periodontal disease often occurs to members of the same family. A mixture of factors belong to this title, such as intimacy, genetics and hygiene.A considerably important factor is smoking and nicotine. Being the most significant factor, causing bone loss and gingival recession and inflammation by reducing the amount of oxygen present in the gingiva tissue. When nicotine combines with oral bacteria, the production levels expectations are greater. Lastly are diseases associated with periodontal disease, such as diabetes, type one and two, osteoporosis, herpes related gingivitis, human immunodeficiency virus associated with gingivitis, autoimmune disease (7).Others diseases of genetic disorder are also at high risk for periodontitis. Contemporary conceptualization of the stress process supports the evaluation of stress at three levels. Stressors, moderating and mediating factors, and stress reactions. These three factors have emphasized the process and the unity stress can have on periodontal disease, including emotions and coping(8). These stress responses would be determined primarily by the process that makes personalized perception of a stress indicator or a threat to ones health.The aim of each study is to unfold influential factors such as personality traits, coping strategies, and experimentation of referenced information (9). The resolution of all studies suggested that depression, stress, and salivary cortisol are important correlates of periodontal disease. Therefore, it is likely that periodontitis is related to immunologic and behavioral changes related to psychologic states. Salivary cortisol seemed to have different associations with periodontal disease, because of the outcomes in models involving stress compared to models involved with depression.Periodontitis is indicated when addressing depression or stress. By strongly suggesting that stress, distress, and inadequate ways of handling di fficult situations of coping are important risk indicators for periodontal disease. Furthermore, it is likely that systemic disease associated with periodontal disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, preterm delivery and osteoporosis may share psychosocial stress as a common risk factor.During these early beginnings of study and research, requirement for one to fully understand the molecular and cellular basis of the role of stress, and in turn these studies may lead to effective intervention strategies that minimize or negate stress as a contributor to periodontal disease. Research has also proven within certain limitations this systematic review showed a positive relationship between stress and psychosocial factors and periodontal disease.However, caution should be used when interpreting this review because the different methodologies used in the included studies may have an impact on the results of the reports. The difficulties inherent is isolating the variable of stre ss, the lack of a reliable standardize   psychological analysis to quantify and define most psychiatric disturbances, the individual ability of patients to cope with negative life events, and the different types and clinical parameters used to determine periodontal tissue breakdown may cat as a confounding biases and cause result distortion at several stages. lthough a positive relationship was observed between stress and periodontal disease, further representative research is need to determine the impact of stress and psychological factors as risk factors for periodontal disease. Reference: Ng SKS, Leung WK. A community study on the relationship between stress, coping, affective dispositions and periodontal attachment loss. Community Dental Oral Epidemiol 2006; 24: 252-66 Page RC, Kornman KS. The pathogenesis of human periodontitis: an introduction. Periodontol 2000 1997; 14 9-11 Robert J. Genco, Alex W. Ho, Jeffrey Kopman, Sara G. Grossel, Robert G.Dunford and Lisa A. Tedesco. M odels to Evaluate the Role of Stress in Periodontal Disease. Department of Oral Biology, Periodontal Disease Research Center, School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo. Vol. 3, No 1, 288-302 July 1998. Amy E. Rosania, Kathryn G. Low, Cherly M. McCormick, and David A. Rosania. Stress, Depression, Cortisol, and Periodontal Disease. Department of Psychology, Bates College, Lewiston, ME. Volume 80, Number 2:260-266 February 2009. Breivik T, Thrane PS, Murison R, Gijermo P. Emotional stress effects on immunity, gingivitis, and periodontitis.Eur J Oral Sci 1996; 104:327-334 Green LW, Tyron WW, Marks B, Juryun J. Periodontal disease as a function of life-events stress. J Human Stress 1986;12:32-6 Annsofi Johannsen, Gunnar Rylander, Birgitta Soder, and Marie Asberg. Dental Plaque, Gingival Inflammation, and Elevated Levels of Interleukin-6 and Cortisol in Gingival Crevicular Fluid From Women with stress-related Depression and Exhaustion. Volume 77 – November 8 2006; 77:1403-1409 Genco RJ, Ho AW, Grossi SG, Dunford RG, Tedesco LA. Relationship of stress distress and inadequate coping behaviors to periodontal disease.J Periodontol 1999;70;711-23 Daiane C. Peruzzo, Bruno B. Benatti, Glaucia M. B. Ambrosano, Getullo R. Nogueria-Fiho, Enilson A. Sallum, Marcio Z. Casati, and Franciso H. Nociti Jr. A Systematic Review of Stress and Psychological Factors as Possible Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease. Volume 78- Number 8. 2007;78:1491-1504 Kaufman E, Lamster IB. Analysis of saliva for periodontal diagnosis- A review. J Clin Periodontal 2000; 27: 453-465 Arowojolu MO, Onyeaso CO, Dosumu EB, Idaboh GK. Effect on academic stress on periodontal health 2006;29:9-13

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Environmental Impacts of Aviation Essay

Noise is said to have a variety of definitions. For people who are inclined towards acoustics, noise is identified as a complex form of sound waves that have irregular vibrations and has no known pitch. In the field of engineering, noise is considered as a signal that interferes with the detection and quality identification of another signal. However, for psychoacoustic studies which are focused on the study of human response to sound, noise is deemed as an unwanted form of sound (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association [ASHA], 2008). According to K. D. Kryter (1996), noise is an enhanced form of sound signals that post a negative effect in the physiological and psychological aspect of an individual (Kryter, 1996 cited in ASHA, 2008). For the most part, noise is something that could be identified as an unwanted sound which is a pollutant and a hazard to the health of human beings (ASHA, 2008). Noise can be derived from a variety of contributors, and such noises have their own levels that are detrimental to the hearing of an individual. Noise levels are measured in decibels. Sounds that are louder than 80 decibels are considered to be hazardous. One of the leading sources of potentially hazardous noise is the airport. Noises from airports could come from constructions and operating machines. However, the major contributor for airport noise is caused by the aircrafts. There are two ways on how aircraft noises are generated. First, airframe noise appears whenever air passes through the fuselage or body and wings of the plane. The activity causes friction and turbulence which often result in the production of unwanted sound. Gliders which are planes without engines produce noise during its flights. Second, engine noise is derived from the action of the moving parts of the aircraft’s engine. Such noise is also produced whenever the sound of air passes through the engines during high speed. Engine noise mainly comes from the plane’s exhaust or the jet situated behind the engine whenever the air sound from the engine combines with the air surrounding it (Wellington Airport, 2008). Based from the study carried out by Daniel Nunez (1998), airplane noise poses disturbance in the human sleep more than any other forms of noises. It was also indicated that more than 50% of the people residing near airports are awakened by airplane noise (Holland-Wegman, 1967 cited in Nunez, 1998). The onset of aircraft noise as a major problem began during the time when there is an upsurge in the need of air transportation after World War Two. By the end of 1950’s, the introduction of jet planes became widely known which later on catapulted the â€Å"aviation revolution† where commercial air passengers were also introduced (Nunez, 1998). The augmentation in the aircraft use also resulted in the increase in the noise level produced by air transportations. Because of the outstanding length of service and success of aircraft operations, airports gradually become larger and noisier. The attractive activities of airports also began to grab the attention of people, wherein surrounding communities started to spread all throughout the nearby areas. The more airports become bigger and nosier, the more residential structures, churches, and schools come closer to the area. Eventually, conflicting issues arise. Aside from the land expansion of airports which often cause nearby residents to act defensively, noise is also regarded as an issue that is very much integrated with airport operations (Bachman, 2003). As such, the painful sound from aircraft take offs and landings were viewed as the primary reasons of annoyance by the residents living near the area. From then on, airport noise has become a complex psychophysiological and economic issue (Nunez, 1998). The issues regarding aircraft noise are said to be complicated because of the aviation industry’s significance in the economy of developing countries. Without the presence of the aviation industry various economic industries would be gravely affected, some of which include the tourism business and mail transportation (Nunez, 1998). Many airports have spent large amounts of money in order to provide sound insulation for residential buildings and community owned structures to reduce aircraft noise (Bachman, 2003). One of the airports that have reached an agreement regarding their noise issue with the people in the surrounding community is the Wellington International Airport Limited (WIAL) situated in New Zealand. WIAL was constituted as a legal corporation on October 16, 1990. The aviation company is partly owned by the Wellington City Council which shares 34% of the total stocks, while the other 66% are owned by Infratil Limited. Wellington International Airport is known as the third largest airport in New Zealand and is classified as a regional hub that extends its international flight service not only in New Zealand but also to the Eastern part of Australia and the neighboring island countries in the south-west Pacific. Almost 90% of the passengers of WIAL travel domestically and majority of whom are business people (Ministry of Economic Development [MED], 2005). As it was said, no other cities in the world have an airport location that could be compared to Wellington International Airport. WIAL is situated on a narrow strip of land in the center of the residential areas. The airport is just minutes away towards the capital’s centre. It is also accessible through a short coastal scenic drive or passing through the tunnel at Mount Victoria. Although the location of the airport is said to be unique, the airport is faced with substantial challenges in terms of its environmental impact, specifically the aircraft noise. The location of Wellington International Airport which is close to the residential area became a ground for the residents to organize the Residents Airport Noise Action Group, the noise abatement requirement, as well as different actions from the internal operations of the airport in order to decrease the noise pollution (Wellington Airport, 2008). Residents Airport Noise Action Group In 1963, Maxine Harris first moved into her home at Strathmore which is near Wellington International Airport. Five years after, Harris reported that the jet noise began. According to documents, Harris and her neighbors were not at all bothered by the jet noise. However by 1980’s, Harris and her neighbors started hearing the night-time acceleration of the airplane engines of National Airways. Harris even noted that they heard the revving of the airplane engines that sounded like a high-pitched whining that would wake her up in the middle of the night and would not allow her to get back to sleep. Harris complained about the noise issue, but an airport official told her that no other individual complained about the noise. Harris talked to her other neighbor about the issue and her neighbor told her that he had also complained, yet the airport official also told him that no other person called the airport to complain. Both Harris and her neighbor responded to the issue by putting leaflets in the mailboxes of their neighbors. The leaflet called for the other residents to phone the airport whenever they were disturbed by the aircraft noise (Samson, 1997a). Because of this, the neighbors responded well, and in 1986, the Residents Airport Noise Action Group was established. The group was focused on performing two tasks: to halt the engine testing at night and to lessen the noise produced by the 737’s. It was in 1986 when the group had their first meeting with the city council. During that time, they have voiced their complaints regarding the noise issue. Their first attempt became successful after the city passed the first by-law which is focused on the engine-testing. The by-law limits the testing times of the National Airways Friendship fleet. However, subsequent efforts of the group were not as successful as their first attempt. The noise problem of the Boeing 737’s still remains (Samson, 1997a). In 1987, the Ansett Airlines became a part of the internal air service market. In return, Air New Zealand has to expand their operations. It was stated that the residents regarded 1987 as the year of â€Å"big explosion† because of the noise produced by the aircrafts. In response to the growing issue of the airport noise, the residents put forward a proposal, stating that all the 737’s should be phased out in 1997. Three months after the proposal was passed, Ansett acknowledged the residents’ plea by replacing the fleets with whisper jets that are much quieter compared to the 737’s. On the other hand, the city council framed a proposed by-law that would have ordered the Air New Zealand to reduce its fleet on a stage by stage process. However, the propose by-law did not take in effect (Samson, 1997a). By 1992, Air New Zealand promised that by the following year seven of their Boeing 737-200’s would have devices that would reduce noise known as hush kits and other fleets would be phased out and will be replaced by 737-300’s. However, the residents did not agree with this. Arguments were once again raised that have even reached the select committees of the parliament, yet the resolutions were unidentifiable (Samson, 1997, p. 19a). As a response to the noise issue that has been gaining public interest, the city council put forth a proposed district plan, but the residents opposed to it. However, in order to resolve the issue, environment court judge Shonagh Kenderdine ruled out in August of 1997 that the airport and the airlines should adhere to the strict rules as proposed by the district plan regarding the air noise boundary wherein a specific maximum noise level will be set. Furthermore, the noise boundary would later on be dissolved if there is an improvement with the airport and airlines noise management. Other regulations that were included in the ruling involve the night curfew, engine-testing, ground noise control, and land-use. The first three issues being disputed were already progressive after the issues were ruled out. The last dispute which was focused on the land use was not settled until November of 1997 (Samson, 1997a). As a follow up to the court ruling done on August of 1997, in order to end the ten-year fight regarding the acceptable noise level in Wellington area, and to finally conclude the last remaining area of dispute which was focused on the land use, Judge Shonagh Kenderdine ended the noise issue on November 20, 1997. The major players during the court case involved the Residents airport noise action group, the board of airline representatives, the Wellington city council, and the Wellington international airport. It was stipulated in the ruling that: â€Å"All new housing developments within the airport’s air-noise boundary would be deemed unrestricted discretionary activity† (Samson, 1997b, p. 3). Under the said ruling, any individuals who are interested to build residential structures within the surrounding airport area and all the application permits have to be approved by the Wellington City Council. Therefore, the council has the right to refuse or consent the details of the application depending on the criteria that are still to be set by the district plan (Samson, 1997b). Despite the criteria being on the process of completion, the interested party should be governed by the assessments set in the ruling wherein new homes that will be built within the airports air-noise boundary should use construction materials that could pass the standards of noise reductions. Such materials include: thicker gib boarding, double or thicker window glazing, and the installation of noise insulations. The ruling also required the city council to implement stricter rules regarding the development of new housings compared to the original proposition of the district plan (Samson, 1997b).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Qualitative Research Proposal Essay

For my field research observation site I chose the flea market (la pulga) located in Alamo, Texas. I chose this specific site because in our Mexican American culture families tend to go there to buy cheap merchandise. Although many people go there many of the things they buy there can or is related to crime. I chose this flea market because it is close to home and there are usually a high number of people there during the weekends. There were a number of issues with this place, but there were two who stood out above the rest. The main points were: do people realize that by buying certain objects they are committing a crime, and also is law enforcement doing anything to prevent these types of crimes from happening. There are mainly two types of individuals who go to these places. The first types of people who go to these places are mainly Mexican American. There is not one age group that stands out above the rest since Mexican American groups. Mexican American individuals tend to visit these places as a family. The second types of people are mainly Winter Texans. A rough estimate from my observation would be that Winter Texas are 30% middle aged (45-60), and 70% elderly. Winter Texans mainly go as couples and are usually there just pass time; Mexican Americans on the other hand are there because they want to buy cheap objects. Research Question or Topic My research questions are: 1. Are people well informed that purchasing pirated DVDs is a crime? 2. What is law enforcement doing to prevent these crimes from happening? Literature Review Bibliography One of the academic journals I found out to be possibly the most interesting out of my whole research was the one dealing with the piracy of CDs/DVDs. This journal does not only talk about the piracy of media, but also about the replicator, the user, and the technology used. It explains how the replicator uses computer software to copy the media and how it gets to the market from there. It talks about the types of users who buy the product and it also talks about the technology being enforced to make it harder and in some cases impossible for the replicator to create a copy of the media. Even though this journal is out there it still seems that some people are unaware of the consequences with the replication of this media, and also the problem it can cause in our society. One of the main points the article describes is whether copy-protection work or not. The answer to this question is that there is copy protection on DVDs which makes it harder for anyone to copy media, but since pirates (replicators) don’t play by the rules there are still some ways to bypass the copy-protection. Research done in this journal- 1. Copyright 2. Product Counterfeiting 3. Manufacturing Processes 4. Anti-counterfeiting Measures 5. Replicators 6. Users of the Pirated DVDs The second article I found is called Factor that Influence the Piracy of DVD/VCD Motion Pictures. Basically the title says what the article is about. It explain some of the major factors that cause people to burn these DVDs, and factors that cause people to buy them. The article says that people tend to buy these DVDs because of the cost benefit. This means that people are getting DVDs way cheaper than if you were to go and buy the real one at an actual store. The author’s findings are also used to support the social norms used to make an effort to stop the piracy of this media. Research done in this article- 1. Copyright Infringement 2. Pirated Video Recordings 3. Piracy 4. Empirical Research 5. Motion Picture Industry 6. Bootlegging and Methodology aspects. The last article I read was talking about the structure about an American flea market. There are differences between flea markets up North and flea markets here in the valley. One of the most obvious differences would be the people that go to the flea markets. The article talks about the types of people that go to the flea market. It talks about the economic effect a flea market has on society. It talks about the behaviors of the buyers and sellers in a flea market. The research in this article was done by surveys across different flea markets and on the consumers in those flea markets. Not only were these studies done on U. S. flea markets they were also done on different countries for example Mexico. Research done in this article – 1. Flea Markets 2. Marketing 3. Case Studies 4. Economic Activity 5. Consumer Behavior 6. Business Cycle 7. Sociocultural Factors My Three Sources Block, D. (1997), CD? DVD/piracy:the replicator, the user, and the technology. Emedia Professional, 10, 92. Chih-Chein, W. (2005). Factors that Influence the Piracy of DVD/VCD Motion Pictures. Journal Of American Academy Of Business, Cambridge, 6(1), 231-237. Sherry Jr. , J. F. (1990). A Sociocultural Analysis of a Midwestern American Flea Market. Journal Of Consumer Research, 17(1), 13-30 Research Design Step 1 Prepare myself by doing some background research on the site I am preparing to observe. Be prepared for anything that may come my way, and be prepared for opportunities that may arise while doing my research. I need to go organized and possibly focus on one point of interest. Need to prepare my looking and listing skills since they are essential for any field researcher. Go prepare to do constant writing since it is one of the most useful way of recording data. Step 2. Gain access to enter the observation site, in my case I don’t think it is a problem since it is open to the public. Other sites have different important sections but in a flea market everything is together so I just have to worry about getting inside. I need to get involved in normal activities to make myself unnoticeable and look like an everyday customer. Perhaps buy merchandise or other things regular customers do. Step 3 By looking as a customer I can build trust with the people working in this area, and this way they can go on doing their job like they normally do, and this can help me observe them in their normal working routine. Step 4 While walking around the site I can record anything I find to be deviant or criminal, in my case I found the distribution of illegal DVD copies. I’ll observe from afar, learn and record anything else. I have to make my findings very detailed this way I don’t miss anything of importance that can later help me answer my question, and this way I won’t have to return for small doubts I may have. Record any conversations I may have had with any of the people there. Step 5. Finally after I am done gathering data I just exit the observation site I just exit the site and start compiling my data. Step 6 After putting my data and getting a better understanding of my observation site. With a better understanding of what happens in the site I will be able to put together a detailed survey or interview questions. Of course the survey or interview will be anonymous and have to make sure the customer knows this. You need to make the customer know that the research is anonymous because if not the person might put false data and the data will be inaccurate. Step 7 After conducting all my research I can put together a conclusion and determine what it means. I’ll ask myself questions for example did I find the answer my questions, was my hypothesis correct, and is there more research to be done. The conclusion has to be precise this way if a person is interested in the same topic they will have all the information they need. Step 8 This is how will conduct my research and hopefully get a good grade on this assignment, if not I will need some research on how I can do better.